Interior design options sometimes include wallcoverings over traditional paint & texture. Most people are aware that wallcovering went through a bit of a rough patch. The 1990’s saw an influx of coordinated wallcovering collections which made it easy for homeowners to clad every powder room wall in a sea of green ivy and slap a fruit border on the top the kitchen soffits. It’s no wonder that many clients balk at the mention of wallcovering. However, this story has a happy ending. Wallcovering is back in a major way and it is better than ever. New technology has been a major impetus of this wallcovering revolution.
The fine art wallcovering market is overflowing with unique, cutting edge products to complement your home’s interior design in Los Gatos or elsewhere. There is still a myriad of beautiful paper products in all scales, colors and price points both hand painted or machine printed. However, there is a whole world beyond paper wallcovering options. You will now find leather & suede products which can make a headboard wall look like it is clad in upholstered panels at a fraction of the cost. You can clad a feature wall with a wallcovering made of actual stone for an architectural focal point. To add drama to a powder room you can clad the walls in a wallcovering that is art unto itself creations of paper pulp, glass beads, or plaster. There has also been a resurgence of old classics such as new takes on toiles, stripes, damasks and the like. An elegant office or bedroom corridor will look effortlessly chic clad in a modern grasscloth. Whatever the client’s taste or project’s needs, interior design wallcovering is back in for home design consideration.
Wallcovering is not just beautiful, it is also highly functional. Vinyl wallcovering isn’t strictly for commercial use anymore. New manufacturing techniques have allowed manufacturers to usher in a wide range of vinyl products that don’t look, feel or smell like vinyl. This type of wallcovering is great in laundry rooms, mudrooms, playrooms, home gyms and other heavyuse areas. Vinyl wipes down easily and is highly abrasion and stain resistant. Don’t want to repaint that mudroom wall anytime soon? Put some vinyl on it. Still not into vinyl? Textile performance wallcoverings such as Xorel® have a woven look and can be utilized in much the same way. They are inherently antibacterial and can be aggressively cleaned with diluted bleach. Making your home interior design beautiful and practical at once.
All of this goes to show that no matter what style of home you have, whether doing interior design in Los Gatos or elsewhere, there is likely a wall somewhere beckoning for some wallcovering.
Art & Design, Color Consulting Los Gatos, Our Process, Wall Coverings